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Endon High



The Academy Council, in conjunction with Shaw Education Trust, determine and operate the admission arrangements for Endon High School.  It is, therefore, necessary for Endon High School to outline clearly the admissions arrangements and criteria by which applicants are offered places.  Legislation on parental choice requires an Admissions Authority to have a good reason to deny a child admission to the school of her/his parents’ preference.  Endon High School is a popular and oversubscribed school, thus increasing the pressure for clarity in admissions policy and practice.


  1. To publish information regarding the Published Admission Number (PAN), and admissions policy and procedure in the school prospectus for prospective parents.
  2. To abide by the code of practice concerning admissions and appeals, as laid down by the DfE

Learn more about Endon High School

Click here to visit our Virtual Open Evening

Click here to view our Prospectus

Click here to read our most recent OFSTED report. 

Click here to visit our data dashboard. We are proud of our outcomes and especially the attainment 8 our pupils achieved (Schools get a score based on how well pupils have performed in up to 8 qualifications, which include English, maths, 3 English Baccalaureate qualifications including sciences, computer science, history, geography and languages, and 3 other additional approved qualifications)

Click here to visit our Facebook page. If you scroll through our posts over the last few years you will get a rich understanding of the journey of opportunities we provide at Endon High School. Our school, in real time.

Please take a moment to read about the 'about our school' section published on our website. Please click the tab on the homepage.

Click here to visit the school GIAS page

Admissions Information

Click here for Staffordshire Admissions.

Click here for Stoke-on-Trent Admissions.

Admissions arrangements  (140 places available)

  • SEN EHCP (a small number of pupils)
  • Siblings – of pupils who will still be at Endon High in September of them starting
  • Pupils who live in our catchment area in Staffordshire
  • Pupils who attend our main contributory schools (St Luke’s, Endon Hall, St Anne’s and Greenways)
  • Straight line distance from the school gates to your gate (using a GIS system)
  • There is an Appeals procedure

Admissions Policy 

EHS Admissions Policy

Contact us and ask about our school

 If you have any questions please contact us and we’ll be in touch. We expect that you will have lots of questions. We are incredibly proud of our school and we would love to share why. 

Please contact Mrs J. Sawyer secretary@endon.set.org with any questions, queries or concerns and we'll get back to you promptly. If you would wish us to give you a call, please leave you number in the email you send us. 

Transition opportunities

 In July we will be in touch with a series of opportunities, support and events that will help your son or daughter transition to High School. This year it was virtual, using our Firefly website, but in July we hope to meet you all in person and involve our Year 9 Buddies to help your son or daughter become part of our school community. We look forward to them joining the Endon High School family.

Endon High School is part of the Shaw Education Trust Limited, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 09067175 whose registered address is Shaw Education Trust Head Office, Kidsgrove Secondary School, Gloucester Road, Kidsgrove, ST7 4DL. Shaw Education Trust is an exempt charity. Endon High School is not accountable for the content displayed on the external webpages that may be linked from our site. All necessary precautions are taken to ensure the specified content linked to is of an appropriate nature; however, we cannot be held responsible for any other material published by any other site.