Quick Links

Quick Links

Endon High

Contact Us


Endon High School

Leek Road, Stoke-on-Trent,



Telephone: (01782) 502240 


General Enquiries  - email: office@endon.set.org

Report Pupil Absence - email: attendance@endon.set.org

Firefly/Technology support - email: firefly@endon.set.org


Chair of Academy Council (Mr M Drew) - email Clerk: secretary@endon.set.org

SENCo (Mr A Jenkins) - email: aidan.jenkins@endon.set.org

Shaw Education Trust Contact

Shaw Education Trust Head Office,

Kidsgrove Secondary School,

Gloucester Road,




School Day

Mondays to Friday

08.40 - 15.10 


School gates open for pupils at 08.20.

Pupils move to Form Rooms at 08.35 and register taken at 08.40.

Breakfast Club opens at 08.00


Monday to Friday

15.10 - 16.00


Reception Times

Monday - Thursday

08.00 to 16.30


08.00 to 16.00

Saturday/Sunday Closed.

(Term Times only. The School will be closed during half term(s) and other School Holiday periods)


 You may request paper copies of any information from this website by contacting the school

Endon High School is part of the Shaw Education Trust Limited, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 09067175 whose registered address is Shaw Education Trust Head Office, Kidsgrove Secondary School, Gloucester Road, Kidsgrove, ST7 4DL. Shaw Education Trust is an exempt charity. Endon High School is not accountable for the content displayed on the external webpages that may be linked from our site. All necessary precautions are taken to ensure the specified content linked to is of an appropriate nature; however, we cannot be held responsible for any other material published by any other site.