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Endon High

Report Absence


What you as Parent/Carer need to do if a child is absent:

If your child is going to be absent from school, please contact the school,  either by emailing attendance@endon.set.org or by telephone on  01782 502240 and choose option 1;

Please ensure contact is made before 9:45am to inform us of the reason for the absence.

You MUST contact the school EVERY MORNING that your child is absent.

 Please DO NOT e-mail form tutors or Heads of Year directly regarding absence.

The office is open from 08.00 – 16.30 Monday to Thursday and 08.00 – 16.00 on Fridays and the answer machine is available 24 hours per day.


What we will do

If your child is absent from school and we have not received an email, telephone phone call or been previously advised of the absence, we will call you on the contact numbers you have provided us with (in priority order).

Endon High School is part of the Shaw Education Trust Limited, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales under company number 09067175 whose registered address is Shaw Education Trust Head Office, Kidsgrove Secondary School, Gloucester Road, Kidsgrove, ST7 4DL. Shaw Education Trust is an exempt charity. Endon High School is not accountable for the content displayed on the external webpages that may be linked from our site. All necessary precautions are taken to ensure the specified content linked to is of an appropriate nature; however, we cannot be held responsible for any other material published by any other site.